Monday, February 9, 2009

Some things to ponder...

-What a President "CAN", "SHOULD", and "MUST" be-

I will state two "cans", two "should's", and finally, one "must".

1. Can he, when he has enough power to make him-self king, simply give it up. Or, in other words, can he humbly give up power? Like George Washington, the man who could have been King.

2. Can he actually do all he has promised? If he can't, should he be kicked out of office? Why not; we become angry when Senators don't hold to their words?

3. Should he have a military background? After all, he will be the C-in-C, (Commander-in-Chief), mere book knowledge won't be sufficient at that level.

4. Should he pass executive orders? Doesn't this make him a Dictator/Tyrant? I have three Latin words to say about that, "SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS", or, "THUS ALWAYS TO TYRANTS".

5. Must he protect the Constitution? YES. This is how you know if a man is a good President. If he messes with it in the littlest way, he is not fit for command!