Thursday, November 13, 2008

Well, I did it....

Seeing that we moved from the country to the city, I decided to sell my drum kit. Yes, you read that correctly, I sold my huge drum kit that I did enjoy playing on, especially outdoors in the country!
I did purchase something to replace my old friend. I will post pictures of them when they arrive, (no, I did not order any animals); or perhaps a video of me and my new friend's
on here, so you all can hear and see them.

Ok, starting next week I am going to have a physical fitness challenge called: ARE YOU TOUGH ENOUGH! So, to any and all couch patatoes out there, its time to get up and get ready(no, I do not mean start working out with Richard Simmons)!

Make sure you read my next post about one of my favorite subjects.
Can you guess what I will call it? Here is your clue: "武士の世界". See if you can translate it.

Until then,

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