So many of use take things for granted, never thinking that some one else had to die to give us these privileges.
I was in a store a number of days ago and saw a young boy, (maybe 10), walking with the help of these wheeled, cane things. I looked at him, (no I was not gawking), and thought to myself how lucky, blessed, gifted, honored, privileged, and thankful to God to have a good working pair of legs. Think about it, we take our arms, legs, eyes, hair, and even muscle control for granted.
-Who Gives All-
Countless men have died in the wars our country has fought. From the Revolution, to the bloody battles of the Civil War, to the vast terrains of WWII, to the jungles of Vietnam; and even to, (the most recent), barren land of Iraq. Men have fought and died, and will continue to do so.
History never changes. Only men and dates change. We still fight on the same battlefields as our ancestors and it's still over the same things. Are weapons have changed, but our motives have not. But during all this carnage we find single acts of bravery that surpass all understanding. Men like: SGT. Alvin York, CPL Desmond Doss, PVT Herbert F. Christian, Col. Mitchell Paige, Maj. Gen. Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. (the 26th President's son), and last but not least, Maj. Audie L. Murphy.
But we often think of those who give all are just in the military. But don't some mothers give all as well? I mean think about it, they give birth to you and risk their own life. Or how about some fathers? Some of them give all as well. One dad might heap on himself 2-3 different jobs to support his family. That takes a toll mentally and physically.
Again I repeat, "All gave some, Some gave all."
-"No Greater Love"-
As I sit here writing this, my eyes are drawn to my Bible that is next to me. I am reminded of the verse, which say's:
"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." (John 15:13)
Love can't go any farther than that. Death is the ultimate sacrifice that anyone can make.
Think about it, we, (the united States of America), award the Medal of Honor, the nations highest honor for "...[conspicuous] gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while engaged in an action against any enemy of the United States;..."
Some men are living and awarded this great Honor, but the vast majority are killed in action (KIA). They never even get to wear it. They are posthumously awarded this medal.
3,348 men have been awarded the Medal of Honor. Only 99 are alive today. These 99 are WWII, Korean War, and Vietnam veterans. The four that received the Medal of Honor since our arrival in Iraq were awarded posthumously, (meaning they died, they "gave all").
You should do a little research and read some of the testimonies of these brave men. It takes a great deal of love for others to throw one-self on a grenade, or to over look the blood that is pouring out of your own body and helps others, true?
Again I echo, "All gave some, and Some gave all."
-"Human Sacrifice"-
There is one "Man" I think of who's sacrifice would change History.
This "Man" saw the sad state in which we lived. All the disgusting acts which mankind has done. The murders, stealing, adultery, and on and on the list goes. The "Man" had an idea of how he could save mankind from a horrible death. The "Man" thought of how he could do this, and it come to him: he would give His life. This "Man" was willing to sacrifice his life, FREELY, with NO hesitation. This "Man" once said:
"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."
So this "Man" lay down his life freely because he knew what would happen if he didn't. Mankind would awake after death and find themselves in a living Hell. He could not sit by and let this happen.
(Who was this "Man"? He was none other then God himself. That's right, I mean Jesus.)
In the past few thousand years one thing has not changed and that is the free gift of God. God's word say's:
"For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." (Romans 6:23)
It was His blood that would wash away ALL the wicked things that men has done under the sun, IF, they would except His gift. In order for them to except this gift they would have to give up their wickedness: their sin.
1 John 1:7 tells us, "But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin."
Moral of the story: Jesus was beaten with no mercy, crucified, (if you have any long, 4"-9", nails laying around, I want you to take them and push the point just a little bit against your hand or wrist. Not a comfortable feeling is it?), died a horrible death, and then three days later rose from the grave; defeated death and now sits on the right hand of the Father.
We often see the sign, "wise men still seek him", how true that is. Only a moron would ignore facts. As John Adams said, "Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence." No one can fight facts.
-A Thought-
This Christmas maybe instead of saying, "I need," or "I want." perhaps we should think about what we have already been given. Thousands have died so you could be here today and one died so that you might live in eternity with Him. You have much to be thankful for this Christmas.
Jesus Said:
"Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away." (Matthew 24:35)
His words have stood the test of time.
I will leave you with this final picture and the words:
"All gave some, and Some gave all."
Until later,
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