Thursday, August 20, 2009

-What You Really Own In Life-

-You Don't Own That-

Sorry, you don't own your house; because when your dead somebody else will own it. Sorry, you don't own your car; because when your dead some company will come and take it. Sorry, you don't own your clothes; because when your dead, your family will give them too the thrift store. So you see, you really don't own anything. Your just like a homeless person, except your living in a house, you drive a car, and wear clothes that one day won't belong to you. Make sense?

However, there are two things you do really own. 1.Your body-and-2. A certain amount of time. Now, what you do with those two things affect you now and in eternity. No, you will not take anything from this world into the next; it didn't work for Pharaoh, so why should it work for you? You can't live life like a moron. Or in other words, you can't run from the truth. You know there is an eternity, and you also know there is but ONE God you will answer too: Jesus. Will he be your loving Saviour?.... Or your Judge?

Basically I am saying this: Life is short. You will not live on this earth forever. Death is always right around the next corner. You cannot escape it.

"We only live once; so, therefore let us conduct ourselves in a manner in which we hope too be remembered for. History tells all she knows."


Until then,

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