Sunday, February 21, 2010
A thought...And An Update...
"Dig a hole in your back yard while it is raining. Sit in the hole, while the water climbs up around your ankles. Pour cold mud down your shirt collar. Sit there for forty-eight hours. And so there is no danger of your dozing off, imagine that a guy is sneaking around waiting for a chance to club you on the head, or set your house on fire. Get out of the hole, fill a suit case full of rocks, pick it up; put a shotgun in your other hand, and walk on the muddiest road you can find. Fall flat on you face every few minutes, as you imagine big meteors streaking down to sock you. If you repeat this performance every three days, for several months, you may begin to understand why an Infantryman gets out of breath. But you still won't understand, how he feels when things get tough."
-Bill Mauldin
-And An Update-
Well, college is going normal. If you would like to have a mental image, picture an ant colony. If you've ever observed an ant colony, you will notice that there always seems to be something going on; they always seem busy. Well, at college, it's just like an ant hill, except every one is too busy on their cell phones or talking about things that don't matter, that they have a hard time paying attention in class. There just a bunch of shirks. As Mark Twain rightly said, "Don't let your schooling interfere with your education."
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
College update
I'm sorry I haven't updated my blog in some time. I finished my first semester of college on December 9th, and since then I've visiting with family. I'm starting my second semester January 26th, so I will try and make weekly updates during that time.
My first semester passed so quickly. I must say that I was quite shocked about how other students acted. It was quite obvious that they were there, not because they wanted to be, but rather because their parents wanted them there. They would complain about how much work they were given, or would try and make excuses on why they were late, or why their work wasn't finished. During class they would either text on their cell phones, lay on their desk, or would talk about why the instructor was the worst instructor they had ever had.
Well, to sum it all up, after fifteen weeks of dedicated work, I earned an "A" in history, an "A" in English, a "B" in psychology, and a "B" in mathematics.
I will keep you all posted throughout this coming semester, as I am sure I will have some interesting stories to share.
Until then,
Thursday, August 20, 2009
-What You Really Own In Life-
Sorry, you don't own your house; because when your dead somebody else will own it. Sorry, you don't own your car; because when your dead some company will come and take it. Sorry, you don't own your clothes; because when your dead, your family will give them too the thrift store. So you see, you really don't own anything. Your just like a homeless person, except your living in a house, you drive a car, and wear clothes that one day won't belong to you. Make sense?
However, there are two things you do really own. 1.Your body-and-2. A certain amount of time. Now, what you do with those two things affect you now and in eternity. No, you will not take anything from this world into the next; it didn't work for Pharaoh, so why should it work for you? You can't live life like a moron. Or in other words, you can't run from the truth. You know there is an eternity, and you also know there is but ONE God you will answer too: Jesus. Will he be your loving Saviour?.... Or your Judge?
Basically I am saying this: Life is short. You will not live on this earth forever. Death is always right around the next corner. You cannot escape it.
"We only live once; so, therefore let us conduct ourselves in a manner in which we hope too be remembered for. History tells all she knows."
Until then,
Friday, July 3, 2009
233 years ago today....
Today marks yet another year that the Declaration of Independence has been in existence. Throughout its long and glorious history, this single document has been both a rallying point and a sign of defiance. It showed the British that we meant business; that we would not be walked upon! It made us Americans. Why? Because up until July 4, 1776, we were still under British authority. We were still British.
-The American Tragedy-
Many Americans have never read this precious document. What a shame. They have no clue what they are missing. To me, the Declaration of Independence reads like poetry. It is both elegant in its wording, but at the same time it points fingers and names names. It is my type of writing; the type that says "I don't beating around the bush, I get right to the point; I'm not afraid to exercise my God given Right"!
The Founding Fathers risked their lives, and the lives of their families, in writing it. Why? (Why would any man risk his life and the life of others? Because Liberty has no price. We can't buy Liberty. Why? Because Liberty is price-less. So, in essence, Liberty can only be purchased with something of the same value: life. Life is price-less. Look at Jesus, he gave his life so that we, we ungrateful, wickedly sinful people, could have our sins forgiven. Liberty.) Because King George III saw it as open rebellion (and indeed it was). And what have tyrants done throughout history to such people that stand for their rights? Easy: simply kill them.
Yes, it is both a tragedy and a shame that many Americans have never read this important document, and many more know nothing of their nations history. Let us remember what Cicero (106 B.C.-43 B.C.) said: "To not know what was before you, is to remain always a child."
-My Last Thought On The Subject-
In the inaugural address of John F. Kennedy in 1961, Mr. Kennedy put forward a strong and thought provoking statement. He said:
"And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country."
So, are you to going to let such a document simply be forgotten?
Just think about it.
Until Then,
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Quote From Henry Brooks Adams
This is an amazing quote. After I read it I was shocked. Here it is:
"Man has mounted science, and is now run away with. I firmly believe that before many centuries more, science will be the master of men. The engines he will have invented will be beyond his strength to control. Someday science may have the existence of mankind in its power, and the human race commit suicide, by blowing up the world. Not only shall we be able to cruise in space, but I'll be hanged if I see any reason why some future generation shouldn't walk off like a beetle with the world on its back, or give it another rotary motion so that every zone should receive in turn its due portion of heat and light."
-Henry Brooks Adams
11 April, 1862
Isn't that something. Man didn't venture into space until April 12, 1961.
Just a thought.
Until Then,
Sunday, June 14, 2009
(No, this is not a post about the history of the united States Army but rather, a thought I had today.)
Today, June 14, 2009, marks the 234th year of the united States Army.
Throughout the Army's long and glorious (and sometimes shameful) existence it has had a hard time when it comes to being prepared for war. Think about it. It's true. I once read in a book that we weren't ready to fight in WWII, and guess what: we were totally unprepared. We were still using weapons and equipment from the first world war.
Americans have a hard time making long-term decisions. We tend to act on the moment (which isn't wrong, but it can be dangerous) and not think things out. The Civil War could have been avoided, had we talk things out better. (Come on, if we were the united States of America, then we could have for sure united and talked things over. Right?) The long-term affect: slavery was outlawed, which is great. The short-term affect: the Southern economy was drained and ruined. Had we thought things out better, we could have saved that economic crises.
Had our government officials listened better too our military leaders of the past, we would not be in the predicament we are in today. Think about it.
"In peace prepare for war, in war prepare for peace."
-Sun Tzu on the art of war.
Until then,
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Juno, Gold, Omaha, Utah, and Sword
-Operation Overlord-
Today, June 6th, 1944, the Allies spearheaded the invasion of Europe. This invasion was a major turning point in the war; we had been preparing for this invasion for sometime.
We had learned a lot from our landings in Operation Torch, (the invasion of Africa); we had tested ourselves in the Italian Campaign, and now we would attempt the biggest invasion in history: more then 160,000 troops would participate in the landings and by August more then 3 million troops would be across the English Channel. This truly was a large invasion force.
Let us remember these brave men today, as so many of these old-soldiers are forgotten these days.
-A thought-
I have seen the original footage of the invasion. I have always been puzzled as to why the soldiers were weighed down with all that unnecessary gear. I mean come on, give the soldier some food rations, ammo, an M1 Garrand (or a Tommy gun) and the needed things to breech the enemies positions and forget all the unnecessary baggage.
-Another Way of Looking At D-Day-
Just like the Allies, we all have our own D-Day. Prehaps you've just given your life to Jesus. That alone can be a D-Day. Prehaps you have given up an addiction. Or prehaps you have decided not to be a lazy bum anymore. :) Whatever it is, if its extremely hard to go through, you can call it your D-Day.
Until Then,
Friday, May 29, 2009
May 30, 1868....A Day To Remember
As I am sure you know, Memorial Day was made to remember our fallen military personnel. This day was to be for the rememberance of those who gave thier life for this country.
I think it is great to remember our dead, as no one should be forgotten, but as Gen. George S. Patton said, "It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived."
Now, I of course have never been to war, but I have been reading and studying about the "art of war" for almost 10-years. I have read various accounts of combat and must say it is "not for the faint or weak of heart".
It is by far the most destructive activity we can undertake. War is history. Nothing is more talked about in history then war. It has destroyed nations and it has given birth to nations.
What I am about to share is only one man's account of what happen. There is NO doubt that this affected this young Lieutenant's life.
The below was what that young Lieutenant (I could not find his name) experenced. This is one of the saddest accounts I have ever read.
Here it is:
"I was psychologically and morally ill-prepared to lead my platoon in the great Seventh Army attack on March 15, 1945. But lead it I did....Before that day was over I was sprayed with the contents of a soldiers torso when I was lying behind him and he knelt to fire at a machine gun holding us up: he was struck in the heart, and out of the holes in the back of his field jacket flew little clouds of tissue, blood, and powdered cloth. Near him another man raised himself to fire, but the machine gun caught him in the mouth, and as he fell he looked back at me with surprise, blood and teeth dribbling out into the leaves. He was one to whom earlier on I had given the Silver Star for heroism, and he didn't want to let me down."
"After clearing a woods full of Germans clearly dug in, my platoon was raked by shells...and I was hit in the back and leg by shell fragments. They felt like red-hot knives going in, but I was interested in the few quiet moans...of my 37-year-old platoon Sergeant ...killed instantly by the same shell....My platoon was virtually wiped away. I was in disgrace, I was hurt...."
"I bore up all right while being removed from "the field" and past back through the first-aid station. But when I got to the evacuation hospital 30 miles behind the lines and was coming out from the anesthetic from my first operation, all my affections of control collapsed, and I did what I'd wanted to do for months, I cried, nosily and publicly, and for hours....I must have cried because I felt that their, out of "combat", tears were licensed. I was crying because I was ashamed and because I'd let my men be killed and because my Sergeant had been killed and because I recognized as never before that he might have been me and that statistically if in no other way he was me, and that I had been killed to. But ironically I had saved my life by almost losing it."
What you just read really happen. Think long and think hard this Memorial Day. No one deserves to be forgotten.
Until then,
Saturday, May 23, 2009
A thought from a Knight, for tonight
-A thought from a Knight, for tonight-
When you think of the word Knight, you think of Honor, Loyalty, or more simple put, Chivalry. I don't think of any of those words. Why? Because most Knight's didn't live by that Code. When I think of a Knight, I think of one person: Roland. Roland was the Chief Paladin under Charlemagne, Father of the Holy Roman Empire.
The reason Roland is the best example of a Knight is because of what he stood for. In his own words he said:
"We know our duty: to stand here for our king.
A man must bear some hardships for his lord,
stand everything, the great heat, the great cold,
lose the hide and hair on him for his good lord.
Now let each man make sure to strike hard here:
let them not sing a bad song about us."
Could you imagine if Christians took that kind of stand. Just a thought.
Until then,
Thursday, May 14, 2009
"No Paine, No Gain"
I recently found a book at my library that I have been in search of for a few months. The name of the book is "Common Sense", (my edition has his other writings as well. like "The Crisis" and "The Rights of Man"). It was written by Thomas Paine, who was one of the Founding Fathers.
While I looked in this fascinating book, I saw something that caught my eye. What I read was so true that I must post it.
So, I hope the following paragraph does not cause you any Paine. ;)
Here it is:
These are times that try men's souls: The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands it NOW, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain to cheap, we esteem too lightly: 'Tis dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed, if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not bee highly rated. Britain, with an army to enforce her tyranny, has declared that she has a right (not only to TAX) but "to BIND us in ALL CASES WHATSOEVER," and if being bound in that manner, is not slavery, then is there not such a thing as slavery upon earth. Even the expression is impious, for so unlimited a power can belong only to GOD."
It made me think of how we take so many things for granted. Such as the sacrifice that Jesus made for us on the cross. I think that we sometimes esteem the Lord's sacrifice too lightly. Sad, but true.
So, any Paine?
Until then,
Saturday, May 9, 2009
"Go Forward."
(The above quote was made by General George S. Patton, Jr.)
I found this poem in a book. Someone (I don't know who) had ripped it out of a magazine. I don't know who made it up, but it was made in 1999, (a whole ten years).
I hope you view your life like history; meaning, I hope you learn from the past, not live in it. It's like a preacher once said, "The car designer didn't put side-view mirrors on the car for driving. He put side-view mirrors on the car so that you might see what is behind you. You drive a car by looking forward."
God, like the car designer, allows us to occasionally look back, to see where we once were. But, it is by looking forward that we drive, as already stated.
Here it is:
"This is a day of new beginnings,
time to remember and move on,
Time to believe what love is bringing,
laying to rest the pain that's gone.
For by the life and death of Jesus.
God's mighty Spirit, now as then,
Can make for us a world of difference,
as faith and hope are born again.
Then let us, with the Spirit's daring
Step from the past and leave behind
Our disappointment, guilt, and grieving,
seeking new paths, and sure to find.
Christ is alive, and goes before us
to show and share what love can do.
This is a day of new beginnings:
our God is making all things new.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
"The Original Swamp Thing"
I have given you all plenty of time to find out who this post will be about.

Some modern historians have accused Francis Marion of being a ruthless murder, who enjoyed his job. But out of his own mouth he puts all of these modern historians to shame.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
A quote from....
Here is the quote:
"Our present is the result of our past, and our future will be the result of the present. But we are not helpless, we can keep the mistakes of history from repeating."
He goes on with a quote from Dwight D. Eisenhower, (aka "Ike"):
"The history of free men is never really written by chance but by choice-their choice."
Until then,
Sunday, March 1, 2009
The Scholar....
My next post will be about the elusive "Swamp Fox".
Until then,
This poem was written by, Robert Southey. It means a lot to me. So, without further to do, I present.....
-The Scholar-
MY days among the Dead are past;
Around me I behold,
Where’er these casual eyes are cast,
The mighty minds of old:
My never-failing friends are they,
With whom I converse day by day.
With them I take delight in weal
And seek relief in woe;
And while I understand and feel
How much to them I owe,
My cheeks have often been bedew’d
With tears of thoughtful gratitude.
My thoughts are with the Dead; with them
I live in long-past years,
Their virtues love, their faults condemn,
Partake their hopes and fears,
And from their lessons seek and find
Instruction with an humble mind.
My hopes are with the Dead; anon
My place with them will be,
And I with them shall travel on
Through all Futurity;
Yet leaving here a name, I trust,
That will not perish in the dust.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Some things to ponder...
I will state two "cans", two "should's", and finally, one "must".
1. Can he, when he has enough power to make him-self king, simply give it up. Or, in other words, can he humbly give up power? Like George Washington, the man who could have been King.
2. Can he actually do all he has promised? If he can't, should he be kicked out of office? Why not; we become angry when Senators don't hold to their words?
3. Should he have a military background? After all, he will be the C-in-C, (Commander-in-Chief), mere book knowledge won't be sufficient at that level.
4. Should he pass executive orders? Doesn't this make him a Dictator/Tyrant? I have three Latin words to say about that, "SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS", or, "THUS ALWAYS TO TYRANTS".
5. Must he protect the Constitution? YES. This is how you know if a man is a good President. If he messes with it in the littlest way, he is not fit for command!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
New and upcoming!
Can you guess who I am going to write about? The person I am going to write about said, (by the way, this is one of my most favorite quotes):
"Who can doubt that God created us to be happy, and thereto made us to love one another? It is plainly written as the Gospel. The heart is sometimes so embittered that nothing but Divine love can sweeten it, so enraged that only devotion can only becalm it, and so broken down that it takes all the forces of heavenly hope to raise it. In short, the religion of Jesus Christ is the only sure and controlling power over sin."
Still don't know? Here's another guess, Mel Gibson acted his life out in the movie, "The Patriot".
I will post my new article soon.
Until then,
Friday, January 23, 2009
And that has made all the difference.
I tought I would share with you all my favorite poem. I first read this many years ago, and it has since been my favorite. It reminds me of a Christian.
Here it is:
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
-Robert Frost-
Thursday, January 15, 2009
The Anvil of God's Word
His Words have stood the test of time.
-The Anvil of God's Word-
Last eve I paused beside a blacksmith's door,
And heard the anvil ring the vesper chime;
Then looking in, I saw upon the floor,
Old hammers worn with beating years of time.
"How many anvils have you had," said I,
"To wear and batter all these hammers so?"
"Just one," said he, and then with twinkling eye,
"The anvil wears the hammers out, you know."
"And so," I thought, "The Anvile of God's Word,
For ages skeptic blows have beaten upon,
Yet, through the noise of the falling blows was heard,
The Anvil is unchanged, the hammers are gone."
-John Clifford
"For I am the LORD, I change not;
therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed."
Malachi 3:6
Until then,
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
No More King
Well, Mom was recently looking around on the net and found this song. So she put this song on her blog, but then it occurred to her that this song would be more fitting for my blog.
So without futher to say, Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and girls; I give you: No More King.
I will be posting a new "ARE YOU TOUGH ENOUGH" this week, so make sure to check back later this week.
Also I will be posting something tomorrow. It is a small "poem" I found in one of my Great Grandpa's books on the Bible.
Until then,
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
A sobering thought in....Latin?
I was doing a little research on different phrases, when I came upon the above Latin phrase. Once I saw it, I immediately thought of how true it was. It translates as, "I was you; you will be me", thus, "what you are, I was; what I am, you will be.". A memento mori gravestone inscription to remind you, the reader, that death is unavoidable
There is NO cure for death. "Mors vincit omnia" is yet another Latin phrases I found, which translates as, "death conquers all".
Remember, you have but one life, choose your destination unwisely and you will have an eternity to regret it. Your life is like an hour-glass, at any moment all that precious sand could slip away and that's it, life's done.
-Listen to the second President-
John Adams said, "Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence."
Death happens to all. 10 out of 10 die. One day you too will face death, (how you will meet death I don't know, but for myself I will meet it with a smile and a joke). The question you should ask your self is, "Am I afraid of death?" and, "Where will I spend my eternity?"
-The End Of This Post-
Now, before I go, I'll leave you with these thought provoking, sobering words I came across:
"We only live once; so, therefore let us conduct ourselves in a manner in which we hope to be remembered for. History tells all she knows."
Until later,
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
I am going to make this quick, so here we go. I have two great New Year's resolution plans for you. Wanna hear 'em? Good, I thought you would; here they are:
1. Quit sinning and give your life to Jesus.
2. Don't try a weight plan. Why? Simply because you do it every year and you quit after the first week! j/k lol
Happy New Year to all!
Until then,
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
"All gave some, Some gave All."

So many of use take things for granted, never thinking that some one else had to die to give us these privileges.
I was in a store a number of days ago and saw a young boy, (maybe 10), walking with the help of these wheeled, cane things. I looked at him, (no I was not gawking), and thought to myself how lucky, blessed, gifted, honored, privileged, and thankful to God to have a good working pair of legs. Think about it, we take our arms, legs, eyes, hair, and even muscle control for granted.
-Who Gives All-
Countless men have died in the wars our country has fought. From the Revolution, to the bloody battles of the Civil War, to the vast terrains of WWII, to the jungles of Vietnam; and even to, (the most recent), barren land of Iraq. Men have fought and died, and will continue to do so.
History never changes. Only men and dates change. We still fight on the same battlefields as our ancestors and it's still over the same things. Are weapons have changed, but our motives have not. But during all this carnage we find single acts of bravery that surpass all understanding. Men like: SGT. Alvin York, CPL Desmond Doss, PVT Herbert F. Christian, Col. Mitchell Paige, Maj. Gen. Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. (the 26th President's son), and last but not least, Maj. Audie L. Murphy.
But we often think of those who give all are just in the military. But don't some mothers give all as well? I mean think about it, they give birth to you and risk their own life. Or how about some fathers? Some of them give all as well. One dad might heap on himself 2-3 different jobs to support his family. That takes a toll mentally and physically.
Again I repeat, "All gave some, Some gave all."
-"No Greater Love"-
As I sit here writing this, my eyes are drawn to my Bible that is next to me. I am reminded of the verse, which say's:
"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." (John 15:13)
Love can't go any farther than that. Death is the ultimate sacrifice that anyone can make.
Think about it, we, (the united States of America), award the Medal of Honor, the nations highest honor for "...[conspicuous] gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while engaged in an action against any enemy of the United States;..."
Some men are living and awarded this great Honor, but the vast majority are killed in action (KIA). They never even get to wear it. They are posthumously awarded this medal.
3,348 men have been awarded the Medal of Honor. Only 99 are alive today. These 99 are WWII, Korean War, and Vietnam veterans. The four that received the Medal of Honor since our arrival in Iraq were awarded posthumously, (meaning they died, they "gave all").
You should do a little research and read some of the testimonies of these brave men. It takes a great deal of love for others to throw one-self on a grenade, or to over look the blood that is pouring out of your own body and helps others, true?
Again I echo, "All gave some, and Some gave all."
-"Human Sacrifice"-
There is one "Man" I think of who's sacrifice would change History.
This "Man" saw the sad state in which we lived. All the disgusting acts which mankind has done. The murders, stealing, adultery, and on and on the list goes. The "Man" had an idea of how he could save mankind from a horrible death. The "Man" thought of how he could do this, and it come to him: he would give His life. This "Man" was willing to sacrifice his life, FREELY, with NO hesitation. This "Man" once said:
"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."
So this "Man" lay down his life freely because he knew what would happen if he didn't. Mankind would awake after death and find themselves in a living Hell. He could not sit by and let this happen.
(Who was this "Man"? He was none other then God himself. That's right, I mean Jesus.)
In the past few thousand years one thing has not changed and that is the free gift of God. God's word say's:
"For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." (Romans 6:23)
It was His blood that would wash away ALL the wicked things that men has done under the sun, IF, they would except His gift. In order for them to except this gift they would have to give up their wickedness: their sin.
1 John 1:7 tells us, "But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin."
Moral of the story: Jesus was beaten with no mercy, crucified, (if you have any long, 4"-9", nails laying around, I want you to take them and push the point just a little bit against your hand or wrist. Not a comfortable feeling is it?), died a horrible death, and then three days later rose from the grave; defeated death and now sits on the right hand of the Father.
We often see the sign, "wise men still seek him", how true that is. Only a moron would ignore facts. As John Adams said, "Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence." No one can fight facts.
-A Thought-
This Christmas maybe instead of saying, "I need," or "I want." perhaps we should think about what we have already been given. Thousands have died so you could be here today and one died so that you might live in eternity with Him. You have much to be thankful for this Christmas.
Jesus Said:
"Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away." (Matthew 24:35)
His words have stood the test of time.
I will leave you with this final picture and the words:
"All gave some, and Some gave all."
Until later,
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Upcoming Post
Also, be on the look out for the new, "ARE YOU TOUGH ENOUGH!" This is going to be WAY harder than last time. So get ready!
Until then,
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Yes, I am still alive.
So, to make amends, I will have a post out this week. And yes you guessed it, another "ARE YOU TOUGH ENOUGH". If you scored low in the push-ups you may not want to attempt this next exercise!
Until then,
Sunday, November 23, 2008
ARE YOU TOUGH ENOUGH! Challenge 1: The Two Minute Test
I have known a lot of young and older men in the past few years and it seems alot of them have ONE thing in common. Do you know what that was? Yup, you guessed it, they were weak.
Walking made them tired, carrying light things wore them out. That is why I am putting this challenge out there. Are you "TOUGH ENOUGH"? Look up Ezekiel 22:14.
Here is your first challenge: the push-up. Yes, you read that correctly, the thing your gym teacher made you do and you just were not "TOUGH ENOUGH" to do them. So, here is your chance for redemption.
Your goal: try and do fifty push-ups in two (2) minutes. My current record is eighty-eight (88) in two minutes. For myself, this did not happen overnight, it took me weeks of conditioning to achieve that.
This exercise is for men only, as men's bodies are better suited for this type of work.
Now, here is the score teller for men:
Ten push-ups and under=Sissy
Eleven to twenty push-ups=Girly-man
Twenty-one to thirty-Little-boy
Thirty-one to forty=Young-man
Forty-one to fifty=MAN!
Fifty-one and over=Your a Bruce Lee, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Rambo, etc.
Now Ladies, your job in this is to root your husband or brother along. Look at it this way. if he scores real low you get to tease him!
Let me know if you were "TOUGH ENOUGH"!
Until Later,
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Well, I did it....
I did purchase something to replace my old friend. I will post pictures of them when they arrive, (no, I did not order any animals); or perhaps a video of me and my new friend's
on here, so you all can hear and see them.
Ok, starting next week I am going to have a physical fitness challenge called: ARE YOU TOUGH ENOUGH! So, to any and all couch patatoes out there, its time to get up and get ready(no, I do not mean start working out with Richard Simmons)!
Make sure you read my next post about one of my favorite subjects.
Can you guess what I will call it? Here is your clue: "武士の世界". See if you can translate it.
Until then,
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Haste Not to Hasting
Well, this past week I gave you all a hint to my new post (1066). When I said 1066, I was referring to the date of 1066. For it was on this day, (October 14, 1066), that the face of Britain would forever be changed. So, here is what you have been waiting for.....
-The Battle of Hastings-
-A New King-
It all began on January 5, 1066, when Edward the Confessor, the King of England, lay dead. His throne would be passed on, but to whom should this position be given to? Here is where things began to become a mess.
A man by the name of Harold Godwin claimed that the late King granted this most honorable position to him. So, due to the fact that he was a Noble and that he knew the King (Edward married the daughter of Harold) the crown passed to him. But there was another person who claimed the throne; his voice would be heard.......
-"See, I have taken England with both my hands."-
The above words were supposedly spoken by William of Normandy, (a.k.a William, Duke of Normandy) or as he is more famously known, William the Conqueror. All men have their

Will, (pictured), was the illegitimate son of Robert the Magnificent, who was the Duke of Normandy, and Herleva, who was a commoner. Now, a Duke was a high ranking Noble that was right below the Sovereign on the totem pole. A commoner is as it applies: common. Herleva's father was a tanner (highly debated), so she was not high up the feudal totem pole.
Through-out the course of young William's life there was constant attempts of assassinations. With the constant run here; hide there type of life, he probably had a great childhood. ;-)
Eventually, Robert the Magnificent died leaving the title of Duke up for grabs. With much fighting and bloodshed, William succeeded his father and became the Duke of Normandy.
-"No, that's my crown." "No, mine!-
Ah, rivalry, the one thing that sets us apart from animals....I think. Well, anyway, as the above implies, William was not very happy that, Harold Godwin, was now King of England. Why? Because Will claimed that the late King imparted his kingdom to him, (and him alone), upon his death. William had no other option, (and I am sure he wanted no other option), but to invade England; kill Harold and take what he saw as his.
And to make matters worse, Harold had a major problem: King Harald Hardraada of Norway. Hardraada had invaded northern England. King Harold needed to defend his kingdom, b

-Battle of Stamford Bridge-
King Harold mustered his army as quick as he could to do battle at Yorkshire. He and his men marched 180 miles in 4 days, and when they reached Stamford Bridge, although tired, put up a solid defense of their homeland.
King Hardraada was not expecting his enemy so soon; therefore, the King and his men's armor were still aboard their ship's, yet to be unpacked!
Now I am going to add more confusion to what has already taken place. Everyone, meet Tostig, King Harold's brother. Tostig was not very happy that his older brother had been crowned King. Yes, you guessed it: more rivalry! Well to teach his brother a lesson in brotherly love, Tostig joined up with his new Norse friend, King Hardraada.
As the battle started, the Norsemen, (or Vikings, as they are also called), began to wish they had never had left their armor aboard their ships. But wait, they had one weapon up their sleeves: a tall, strong Viking with an axe. Luck soon ran out, when an Englishmen, armed with a spear, slipped under the bridge in a wooden tub. Using his spear he then thrust the "giant" through the gaps in the floor. This single man, had held the bridge long enough for the rest of his comrades to

With the Battle of Stamford Bridge at it's end, King Harold had someone else to deal with.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you..........
-The Battle of Hastings-
Just as Waterloo was not fought in Waterloo, neither Hastings fought in Hastings, but rather near it. This is what made William the Conqueror famous.
Yes, of course, Harold and his diminished army once again had to march to meet their enemy. Upon arriving at Hastings Harold made his defense on a hill, putting, as a hill would imply, William at its base. Harold arranged his men in an arch type shape. Arch=(
King Harold had an advantage: his defense was on top of the hill. But the King had a set back: no calvary. Had he had some good calvary he would have been better off.
William also had advantages, (I think they were better): a lot of archers and (my favorite) a lot of Norman Knights. Now, Knights were the mounted Noblemen, who could afford better weapons, armor and of couse, where would a Knight be without his Noble Steed, (a.k.a. a horse).

Then William sent forth a different soldier. Wanna guess? Here is your clue: what kind of soldier is guaranteed to be on the field of battle, both day and night; suffer the most and is paid the least? Yup, you got it! The Infantrymen. This soldier bears most of the burden when it comes to fighting. William's Infantry could not break the line though, so were pushed back down. When some of the English began to pursue, it natural broke the line. Don't worry, William's Knights, (pictured), were fast to notice this, (that the English were chasing Norman infantry), and quickly "cleaned up" some English frydmen.
And finale, Will sent his Knights. Although they too tried to break the English, they too were driven back.
Thru out all this confusion, some one shouted that William had been K.I.A., (K.I.A.= Killed In Action), this thru Will's army into confusion, and it only cleared when William took of his helmet and rode up and down the lines shouting he was alive.
So, with King Harold on his hill still, William had a new tactical plan. He would draw the enemy off the hill by making an advance at the enemy and then quickly making a false retreat, (to have an uderstanding of this look in the Bible at Joshua 8). This, of course drew the enemy far enough down the hill to deal with them.

When it was all over, King Harold was no longer King. He was dead. He had been shot through the throat, as this picture shows. All of his elite Housecarls fought to the last man.
-An Ending Point For One, A Beginning point for others-
William would be crowned King on 25 December, 1066. His rule would end on 9 september, 1087. History would forever remember his name. Upon his death bed, William divided his kingdom to his son's; which of course lead to more rivalry. England passed on to Will's son, William II, who ruled for thirteen years and then died.
Well, I hope you have enjoyed the Norman Conquest, although we could dig deeper into this vast subject, (it is after all one of my favorite battles in history), I, pesonally content am with what I know.

Good night and good bye!
Or as the French say it:
Bonne Nuit Et Au Revoir!
(William on his Steed)
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Drum Off Update
Ok, to start with, I had been making my solo up for forty days and lo and behold half way through the drum off I forgot my solo. What did I do? What I always do, I had to make up whatever I could there: on the spot, in front of a camera and about forty people. I was told (by family and others) that I did good, but man, forty-five days of practice and I forget what I made up. Now that is a blonde moment. HAHAHAHAA
If I get the video I will post it on my blog, but if I don't I will make a new one and put it on here.
I have switched the dates on my new post for the forteenth of October. Want a clue? Here it is: 1066.
Monday, September 22, 2008
October 15th
You have probably been wondering if I have been alive. Well, I have been. But I have been busy as a bee. We are in the process of moving and at the same time I am preparing for "The Drum Off", America's biggest drum competition (I play on the 30th of this month). So, I will be posting my new post on the October 15.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Use It Or Lose It: The Brain
-The Brain-
In your head

Consider this, every thing from your body temperature, heart rate and breathing are all taken care of. When I say taken care of I mean this: you do not even have to think about doing it. Your brain acts on its own for those things.
It takes in all sorts of information. What you say, see, do and hear will affect your brain and therefore will affect your thinking. Lets look at the seven (7) different parts of the human brain:
1.First we have the Cerebrum. This big chunk of useful "meat" makes up for 85% of the brain and is responsible for the thinking, memory, voluntary actions, etc..
2.The Thalamus is there to send info. to you Cerebrum.
3.Your Hypothalamus is the one who tells you what you need, and sometimes what you should not have. It tells you that you should eat or drink. It also controls the heart and intestines to name a few.

4.And your the Pituitary Glands control all the other glands in the endocrine system.
5.Cerebellum means "little Cerebrum" and is located on the back of the brain. Is controls the bodies movements and balance.
6.Pons is not a chess piece in your brain. Although game geek's would love for you to think that. It is however, the piece that links the fore-brain with the Cerebrum and the medulla olongata with the Cerebrum.
7.Last, but not least, the Medulla olongata is the thing that keeps your heart beat going. It is also the place were all other messages must pass though before going anywhere in your body.
Without your "little thinker" you could not possibly think, move, talk, breath, walk, stand or even be alive.
Now the main thing I am getting at is this. What you think about in your brain makes and shapes you into what you already are and/or going to be.
In Psalm 101:3, (in today's society we think of "101" as having to do with instruction, so lets view it as that also), it says this, "I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me."
Think about it, why would David be concerned with setting wicked things before his eye's? Why? He knew that by setting those things before him it would ruin his thought's; by ruining his thought's, he would ruin his actions.

Let us conclude with these verses from Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil."
Saturday, August 9, 2008
A quick short history of ancient Egypt.

Ancient Egypt, to the modern tourist, a land of mummies and pyramids. To the modern thinker, a land of vast science and history. Founded around 3150 B.C. Egypt would become one of the greatest ancient powers to rule on this earth. Although the Egyptians would be conquered in 31 B.C. by the Roman Empire, they would bring many new ideas to a starving world.
"How do you reed this compass" says the Egyptian
All things have a beginning and for Egypt that started in (or around) 3150 B.C.. Egypt was divided into two location at this time. Location one: Upper Egypt. Location two: Lower Egypt. Now this may sound backwards, and it is, but Upper Egypt was not in the North and Lower Egypt was not in the South. Lower Egypt was located in the North, while Upper Egypt was located in the South. Hope this makes some sense because, I know that it is weird. I guess that is what happens when you do not know how to work a compass correctly. ;o) Well in 3100 B.C. King Menes united these two opposites; that would official make them lose their titles of Upper and Lower.

As with most nations, Egypt would have many things change about it after it's unity. They would usher in such new thing's like a better justice system, architecture, art and technology. During this time Great Pharaohs would rise to power like Djoser and Khufu. Both of these men had one huge thing in common. Can anyone guess? That's right, you guessed it, a pyramid.

The Pyramid of Djoser and The Pyramid of Khufu (AKA Pyramid of Giza):
The Pyramid of Khufu would be the biggest man-made structure for around 3,800 years. Amazing! These things would help to form the Egypt we see in history books and museums today. As with everything, it does not last. Egypt was plagued with many draughts and a bad economic problem lead Egypt into some hard times. Recovery was slow, but Egypt managed to climb out of the mud she fell into.
First (and not the last) Intermediate Period
During this period of Egyptian history, the Hierakonpolis ruled Lower Egypt; while the family of Intef, ruled Upper Egypt. So Egypt was divided into two parts once again; Upper and Lower. The Intef grew mighty and wealthy, so a clash was bound to happen. The Hierakonpolis and the Intef met in Battle around 2055 B.C.. The Hierakonpolis were under the rule of their leader's; the Intef were under the Leadership of Nebhotepre Mentuhotep II (later Pharaoh of all Egypt).
-The Monkey in the "Middle Kingdom"-
(Kind of like the game, monkey in the middle.)
This was a period of forward movement for all of Egypt. We see a rise of art, building projects and literature. The Pharaoh's would rule their kingdom from Thebes for eleven dynasty's, but when Amenemhet I came to power he shifted the capital to Itjtawy located in Faiyum. During this time the Military also regained parts of Nubia. The "Wall's of the Ruler's" was built to protect Egypt's eastern flank.
Egypt was flourishing in arts, wealth, agricultural due in part to their military and political ties. In the Old Kingdom it was believed that only kings, Queens and others of a noble birth would be allowed an after life after death. Now in the Middle Kingdom, it was believed that everyone had an after life. Their view's on life seem to have changed quite often. God word say's in Roman 10:13 that "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.". The Egyptians had it wrong. They thought they could get to Heaven by their good works or by their birth. This is what God say's will get you to Hell.
Amenemhat III (we will call him Amen.III for short) is considered the last great ruler of this period. Amen.III allowed Asian settlers to settle on the Delta region. Amen.III had it in mind to work these people. And so he did. Later these same settlers would become the Hyksos, who would rule Egypt for some time.
-The Rule Of The Hyksos /The Second Intermediate Period-
Around 1650 B.C. the Hyksos came into power. These were the same people that settled in the Delta region when Amenemhat III was Pharaoh. Amenemhat III had a simple plan for these people: work. Pretty simple huh? The Hyksos were of Asian decent, with their name meaning, "rulers of foreign lands".
Eventually the these Asian settlers would rule those who worked them. The name Hyksos means "rulers of foreign lands". Well let me tell you, they would not be foreign lands for long. Around 1650 B.C. the Hyksos kicked the government out of Thebes.Now Pharaoh was forced to pay tribute to these "foreign" rulers. The Hyksos copied a lot of Egyptian ideas for use in basic culture to advanced government. And if you already have not guessed it, they made themselves Pharaohs.
Now the Pharaoh and his government were trapped at Thebes. To the north were the Hyksos; to the south the Kushites who were the allies of the Hyksos. It would take many years along with many Pharaohs to expel the Hyksos out of Egypt.
-Enter The New Kingdom-
Also, we find many famous Pharaohs (say "Famous Pharaohs" 5 times as fast as you can) such as:
Thutmose the I, who supposedly, is one of the first kings to be buried in the "Valley of the Kings".
Hatshepsut, who is considered one of the greater female pharaoh. She was Thutmose the III's aunt/step mother. She placed him as commander of her armies during her reign.

Probably the best would have to be (drum roll please).....Thutmose the III (pictured). He ruled Egypt for close to fifty-four years. Although the first twenty-two were spent as the co-regent to Hatshepsut, his aunt/step mother. He would go on to conquer more land than any Pharaoh before him. Truly a great Egyptian king.
Now this man is the one people think is the Pharaoh mentioned in the Bible, Ramesses the II (aka Ramesses the Great). He was know as a builder Pharaoh because he liked to build; well actually he did not like to build at all, he just like to have others build stuff for him. Now if this is the Pharaoh that the Bible speaks of in the book of Exodus, we can conclude that he was not a builder at all, just a chief taskmaster. A tyrant.
-The Third (and final) Intermediate Period-
This is the period of decline for the Egyptian People. With Smendes taking control of northern Egypt and the Priest taking control of the rest. Now you might be wondering, "Who is Smendes?", well, he was supposedly a Governor in Lower Egypt during the reign of Ramesses the XI (11th). During his time on the thrown the Libyans would come.
Libyans took control of the Delta around 945 B.C.. So Egypt eventually came under Libyan control. They set-up a kingdom that almost lasted two-hundred years. They would lose control when the Kushites, Leontopolis and another rival began to challenge them for this power.
The rest of this period is filled with the constant attacks from the Assyrians. The bottom line: the Kushites were pushed back to were they belonged, the temples at Thebes were looted and Memphis was under Assyrian control.
- It's Too "Late Period"-
In this period we see that the Assyrians did not want to conque Egypt, but rather gave it over to vassals. The first up and the only one I will talk about here is Psamtik I. He would knock the Assyrians back to Assyria (not really back to Assyria, but hey, it sounded good) with the help of some mercenaries from Greece. The Greek culture at this time was slowly walking into Egypt. Which is good because the next to conquer this ancient land is the famous....
-Alexander the Great-

The Greek conquest of Egypt was not too difficult. They were pretty much welcomed into the country. The only resistance was from the Persian military, but they were nothing for Alexander and his armies of trained veterans.
One of the significant things the Greeks did was build the city of Alexandria. Of course, you guessed it, Alexandria is named after Alexander the Great.
After Alexander the Great's death, Egyptian culture stayed the same; with only a little bit of Greek added to it. Pyramids and other Egyptian building's were still constructed in the same manner.
With the people un-happy with the leaders who were left for them, after Alexander the Great's death, and with more rebellions rising the Greeks were put to the test. One which they could not pass.
-The Rise Of the Romans. The Fall Of The Egyptians. And Another Turning Page In History.-

The Romans were one of the ancient worlds greatest Empiers. Now what do great Empires need? Correct. You guessed it. FOOD. All people need it and eat it. The Romans had long been getting a good amount of grain from the Egyptians through the years, but then it dawned on, "Why pay for this grain when we could just conquer this people and take as we please?". So that is what they did. In 30 B.C. Egypt became one of the many provinces of Rome following the Battle of Actium.
Although I could talk for days about the Romans, I best not, for I do not wish to bore you with too long of a blog post. I know what you are thinking right now, you already think my post is too long, don't you? Well don't worry I won't write anymore about Egypt. Why? Because I do not wish to write a book, just a "small" post. So for now I bid you a fond farewell.
Friday, July 18, 2008
The above words were spoken by Gaius Julius Caesar after his victory at the Battle of Zela in 47 B.C.. "Vini, Vidi, Vici" is one of the most well known sayings in the modern world. It translates as "I came, I saw, I conquered". Without a doubt we can say today that Caesar was one of the greatest Generals that ever lived.
Julius was born on July 13, 100 B.C. to a patrician (or elite) family. His ancestors are said to be Lulus, son of the famous Prince Aeneas who was a survivor of the Trojan War. Julius grew up in a country of political unrest, a time of political wars, each party wanting power and control. His family had no strong political ties except for having three consuls and his father being a Praetor and governor of Asia. At the age of sixteen his father would die, there were no apparent causes. At the young age of sixteen he become the head of his house. The following year he would become a high priest to jupiter (a Roman "god") known as a flamen dialis. Caesar would have to become married if he wanted to be a priest. So he married Cinna daughter of Cornelia in 83 B.C. when she was 13 and he was 18 years old. This title would be held by him until his entry into the Roman Army.
Caesar The Soldier

Caesar, Sun Tzu, Napoleon Boneparte, Alexander the Great, Hannibal, Genghis Khan, Miyamoto Musashi and Erwin Rommel are seen today as some of the greatest military strategist and tacticians to ever live. Napoleon, while writing on the Great Captains, said this about Caesar, "Caesar's principals were the same as Alexander and Hannibal: keep the forces concentrated, do not be vulnerable at any point, move swiftly against the important points, taking into account psychological conditions, the reputation of one's arms and the fear that they inspire, and also taking the political means to keep allies loyal and conquered peoples obedient, to give every possible chance to assure victory on the battlefield and to concentrate all of one's troops there. He was at one and the same time a man of great genius and great audacity."
Caesar would make his name known by winning the Civic Crown. Their crown was made out of common oak leaves woven in the shape of a crown. This was the second highest military decoration a citizen soldier could earn. It meant that the wearer had saved comrades during a battle and that he had held the ground so that the enemy could not advance. Caesar was a military genius.
The Dictatorship and Death of Caesar
The people loved Caesar, he brought victory and honor to Rome, but they worried about electing him as Dictator because they thought he might strip powers away from the people as did Sulla in 82 B.C.. When Caesar was made lifetime Dictator or Dictator Perpetuus, he made great reforms in the Roman society and government. Roman Dictator's are different than today's. The Consuls would nominate a few people and then the Senate would choose who would serve. The man chosen would then serve for a six month span. They could rule by decree if they so chose to. They did not have to answer to the Senate as the Consuls did.All men's day's here on earth are numbered, and for Julius the clock stopped on March 15, 44 B.C.. Caesar was murdered by the Senate, the very men who helped to bring him to power. It is often those who put men in power that later kill the men they install there. A few years after his death, the Senate would elevate the now dead Caesar, and make Him a Roman "god". Just as God's word says in Proverbs 8:36 "But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me love death."